Saturday, 10 November 2012

Visiting Orakei Marae

Last week three of the year two classes visited the Orakei Marae. We were interested to learn about the amazing patterns, designs and structural work that makes up a Marae. To start the day we were welcomed onto the Marae by the tangata whenua (people of the land) in a Powhari. Everybody enjoyed learning about Maori culture. Then we learnt to do the haka and the story behind it all. After that we walked around the gardens and orchard to give us some ideas that we might like to use in our own gardens and orchard. It was interesting that their orchard was so different from our own. Following that we went back to the whare nui to study the carvings and beautiful art work that were inside.

It was a great day of learning and it was exciting to take part in another culture's traditions and history.

What did you learn on our trip?


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